Al Gore enjoys Green Solar Powered Houseboats
by Howard
Not the Gore's solar houseboat, but shows the potential.
Is there something wrong with Al Gore having a 100ft green solar powered houseboat? NO, if I could afford one that size, I'd have one also!
He's done so much to bring global warming out in the daily news, so I think he deserves a great home to live in, even if it's a large eco-friendly houseboat. I even like the name of it, "Bio Solar One".
In comparison, my houseboat is nothing like the Gore's boat, however I do have two 65 watt solar panels to help keep the batteries charged while I'm out at anchor.
Maybe I'll become totally self sufficient one day, but for now, I'm doing my small part by running my fuel consuming gas generator less.
Just my thoughts, Howard
Reply - AnswerI agree with you, Al Gore has helped me tremendously to get a better understanding about the effects of global warming, and if he wants to live on a houseboat, be it a 100 foot green solar powered houseboat, all the power to him. (no pun intended, enough of my ranting).
Speaking of power, apparently he's got quite the setup, 36 roof mounted solar panels, wow, and he can produce 20 kilowatt hours of electricity a day. Wow, at that rate, he could probably start selling the surplus back to the grid.
I just hope that the houseboat manufacturers can see the growing trend in the industry. Consumers are interested, and want
economical, green living, solar powered houseboats.Lastly, hopefully some of our readers will share and post comments about the Gore's solar power houseboat, the Bio Solar One.
Thanks again for sharing, IAN from all-about-houseboats
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