In this issue we'll look at gas prices, fuel econony tips, new docking lessons, and so many more tips and articles. If you're waiting for spring it's just around the corner, and if you're looking to buy, now is the time as there's some great houseboats for sale.
Rising Fuel Prices:
Spring is just around the bend, and as you are aware, the rising gas prices and turmoil around the world, the chances are that fuel prices will likely increase.
How do you plan to use your houseboat this summer and save money doing it? Read about some great fuel and money saving tips and experiences.
New Docking Lessons:
When it comes to docking a houseboat, many captains dreed the stress and anxiety. Learn tips on how to dock a single or twin engine houseboat with ease, even when it's windy, tight, or really crowded. Just pick your boat configuration below:
If you're new to the Houseboat Insider, welcome and do enjoy your stay.
Safe Houseboating, Ian from
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Welcome and congratulations on arriving at the fastest growing online houseboat community. So if you're new, just curious, a total beginner, or even a long-time boater, you'll find the free Houseboat 101 Guide extremely helpful in guiding you to the answers of your questions about houseboating.
Below is a summary of all the categories where you will find hundreds and hundreds of articles, tips, guides, and comments from the websites members, visitors, and creator. Feel free to add your comments and ideas.