Are houseboats Green Living, Clean Energy, and Solar Power ready?
News Flash! Al Gore enjoys a 100ft Green Solar Powered Houseboat!
Now that's an excellent start to changing the mentality of law makers and houseboat manufacturers, to promote the many advantages of the green living, wind & solar powered, clean energy, efficient houseboats.
Are you curious about green living, wind & solar power, or clean solar energy for your houseboat? We would love to hear about your present installation, or future plans for wind, solar, or green living ideas.
Take a moment and tell us about your present, or future ideas here.
We want to wish all our new readers a warm welcome, since this has been another exceptional month for Houseboat Insider subscriptions.
We hope you enjoy this edition as much as we had putting it together. Safe Houseboating, Ian & Manon.
** What's New You Ask? **
Special Product Review of the Month.Every month you'll see a special product review to future enhance your houseboating enjoyment and budget. We'll look at items that are handy, useful, and invaluable to the beginner or experienced boater.
This month's item is a necessary, and a required piece of equipment that no one should leave the dock without. Be Safe, and Play Safe!
Automatic Hydrostatic Inflatable Life Jackets
Like to read all about why it's our all time favorite Life Jackets for us.
New Houseboat Forums for all House Boats!
You can now easily Search, Find, Read, and Share your Thoughts, Ideas, Comments, Tips, and Articles, which in turn can help you, and the websites other visitors and readers. Go ahead, and give it a try and see for yourself how easy it is.

Have a look at the new section, Houseboat Forums for all House Boats.
Green Living, Wind, Solar Power Houseboats
Because of popular demand, we've added a new section to introduce readers to some of the basics about clean energy and green living. You're already living green, or with wind - solar energy, or planning it in the future, tell us about here, we would love to know about it!

Like to read more about Green, Wind, Solar Power for houseboats?
* This Months Topics & Articles *
Another very busy month, with plenty of great articles to choose from.
Houseboats as hurricane emergency support vehicles or search & rescue?
Wondering if houseboats are used as hurricane emergency support vehicles for victims, casualties, or search and rescue? I was wondering about
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Fuel odor in houseboats black water holding tank.
There's a strong fuel odor in our houseboats black water holding tank. After pumping out the black water tank and filling the houseboat with fuel, I
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Houseboat Trailers & Transport - Buy one, Rent one, or Hire one?
We're buying a houseboat, and wondering about houseboat trailers, do we buy one, rent one, or hire someone to transport it for us? We're newbies
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Riverqueen Houseboat - any River Queen houseboats out there?
Any Riverqueen houseboats from the 60's era still out there? I have a River Queen houseboat, 1960, 27 foot, outboard powered, with a 8 foot by 15
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Building an Aluminum Houseboat - Plans - Flat Bottom
I want to build an aluminum houseboat, plans are available for a flat bottom houseboat? Once the aluminum hull is built, I can lay out the house
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Boatel Houseboat - Pontoon or Bluewater - Coastal Cruiser House Boats?
I'm confused, is a Boatel Houseboat a pontoon house boat, or bluewater yachts? I've seen words like Islander, Coastal Cruiser, and Bluewater Yachts
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Houseboat Marine Survey - Condition & Repairs - Buy "As Is"
We just got a pre-purchase houseboat survey done, and there's repairs to do, and in poor condition. Should we buy the houseboat as is? We are newbies
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Best Houseboat Marine Refrigerator - Where to get Serviced & What to Buy?
What is the best marine refrigerator for houseboats? Where do we get it serviced, and if we need, what do we buy to replace it? We own a 10 x 38',
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Any Replacement Tinted Windows for Houseboats
Looking for replacement windows for a houseboat? I want to replace my houseboat windows with double pane dark tinted windows. I want to use the old
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Houseboat Insurance - The Who, What, Where, and How Much?
We're looking for houseboat insurance and we're having problems finding someone who will insure us, what information they need, where to find leads
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Roof upper deck strength on Sumerset Houseboats
Is the roof and upper decks on older steel Sumerset houseboats strong enough to have people on it? I had written earlier, about my husband and I
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Any Stern & Bow Thrusters for Houseboats?
Looking for any, or the best, Stern & Bow Thrusters for Houseboats? Please make a recommendation, I need a Turn key installation of a large
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Building Materials for Houseboats - Composite panels, exterior walls & roof
I'm building a houseboat, and am looking at my choices for exterior materials, like composite panels for the walls or roof? Does anyone have any
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Al Gore enjoys Green Solar Powered Houseboats
Is there something wrong with Al Gore having a 100ft green solar powered houseboat? NO, if I could afford one that size, I'd have one also! He's
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Older Houseboats with Steel Hulls - Repair and Replacement Costs?
We have a question about older steel hull houseboats, when it comes to checking, maintenance, repairing, and or replacement costs? How do you know
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Building your Own Houseboat - Permits, Laws, & Regulations?
I am thinking of building a houseboat, 10 miles up river from Apalachicola, Florida. It would be a small houseboat, simply 25 feet long, by 10 feet
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Always Dreamed of Living on a Houseboat.
I have always dreamed of living on a houseboat, and now I feel I can make it real. I want to stay on Long Island, NY, My problem is that many of the
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Any good houseboat timeshares available?
Can anyone recommend some good houseboat timeshares. Shared houseboat ownership sounds appealing, however we want to do some research before we
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AC-DC Power Inverter and Battery installation in Houseboats?
I'm thinking of installing my Power Inverter in the midship area of our houseboat bilge? Can anyone think of any reasons I should not put my inverter
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Which houseboat models are better for coastal traveling
Wondering if there are any models of houseboats that are better suited for coastal traveling? Can the houseboat barge style models such as those from
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The END for now, see you next edition.