Spring is Here, and a New Season is now underway!
Welcome, and an extra welcome to our new readers, as this month has been another busy one for articles and subscriptions. You must all be busy preparing or planning a new season, and we have plenty to offer you.
Hope you enjoy this edition as much as we had putting it together. Safe Houseboating, Ian & Manon.
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* This Months Topics & Articles *
Another very busy month, with plenty of great articles to choose from.
Cheap Green Solar Houseboat Plans - Part 1
Cheap Extreme Green Solar Powered Houseboats (part 1). What I try to do is make houseboat living affordable. While I am not an expert in any part
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Extreme Green - Solar Powered Houseboats
Houseboat living allows you a chance to become extreme green with Solar Powered Houseboats. My houseboat has no generator, however I do have to buy
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Want to buy a small houseboat, is a Steury Houseboat a good option?
My wife and I are moving to North Myrtle Beach shortly. We have always dreamed of retiring onto a houseboat and traveling the intercoastal waterway.
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Houseboats For Sale in Australia or New Zealand
Are there any houseboats for sale in Australia or New Zealand? If so do you broker them, and are there any marinas to dock a houseboat in either
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Houseboat and RV parking combination spot
We own a small houseboat, Oma's Haven. My son just bought a small RV. Is there any area on Lake Powell where my son could drive his RV close to where
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Houseboat Window Locks and Hardware
Where can you buy the window locks for a 84 Jamestowner. Water Bonnet is who made the windows, and from the looks of the website they don't like
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Use Houseboats in Saltwater?
Can you put any houseboat in saltwater, and if so, what prep do you have to do, and approx what cost on a 16 x 75 foot house boat? Reply - Answer
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Houseboat Milage Tips to get Better Fuel Consumption on House Boats
Tips on Houseboat Milage to Increase Fuel Economy and Reduce Consumption, get better MPG and longer Range out of your Gas or Diesel engine.
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Houseboat Water Slides
Does anyone know what manufacturer or website I can purchase a water slide specifically designed for houseboats? Answer - Reply: Great question
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Who manufacturers Diesel Houseboats?
Wanting to know who manufactures a 44 or 50 foot diesel powered house boat? Answer Reply: As far as I know, but don't hold me to it, I think Gibson,
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Houseboat Dinghy Davits?
I would like to transport our dinghy behind our houseboat, and on the attached photo, I saw this particular method of putting a dinghy on the back of
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Houseboat For Sale by Owner, and Tips on Saving while Buying House Boats
Houseboat For Sale by Owner purchase information, with Money Saving Tips and free Checklist to Help while Purchasing Used House Boats
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Pontoon House Boats in Mississippi.
Is it a Pontoon, no, it's a Tritoon houseboat. Why? It has been a 30 year dream. I grew up on the bayou in south Louisiana (houma) and first tried
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Inflatable Dinghy for the Houseboat
An inflatable dinghy would be my favorite accessory for the houseboat. I use it almost daily to go out for quick spins, or I take it out to go fishing
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The END for now, see you next edition.